
saturday night out

Last saturday I spent my night with my 3 favourite person: Astrinda, Ridha and Cahya. We spent the night by walk along Kemang’s Festival. I never been to Kemang’s Festival, so I was very excited that night. Ridha, highly competent photographer who bring his DSLR camera took photos of us very well (that’s why I called him highly competent photographer haha). Here’s some photos he took at the festival:

After a long walk through the festival, we drop ourselves in Warung Pasta to grab some foods. Also, we were enjoying chit-chat there until late at night. I was very happy because I missed moments when I could enjoyed time without worried about anything. :)

Then when we walk home, we took some photographs again at the streets. You can see I bring Spongebob's balloon there, Cahya bought me one at the festival, thanks dear :)

Well, for me this is another nice day in the middle of my routine-and-boring life, so thank you guys, you made my day! always :*



sometimes it hurts very bad.
sometimes I think I can't make it.

imagine things in my head, mostly bad.
mostly about two people laugh together
with friends around them,
while I'm just an outsider, feels like a stupid girl.

sometimes it hurts so damn deep.
sometimes I think I should give up, for the best.

but here I am, still here.
in the name of my heart I make myself hang on here.
or my fear, mostly fear of being alone.
or maybe fear of losing my self-confidence.

I think I know what I should do, it is just me afraid of those possibilities.