
November 28th, 2010, 10.42 PM you promise me

ireneelfrida: strid
ireneelfrida: sejujurnya
ireneelfrida: gue udah semakin yakin sama topik ini
ireneelfrida: dan gue bener2 tertarik
ireneelfrida: jadiii, misalnya nih yaaa
ireneelfrida: misalnyaaa kita buntu ga nemu kesamaan utk payung
ireneelfrida: gue gpp
ireneelfrida: tapiii kalo ngerjain skripsi barengan yuuukk
ireneelfrida: biar gue ga merasa sendirian menghadapi smeua ini
ireneelfrida: :(
astrid wulandari: ren maap lama, eike abs ganti aquaa
astrid wulandari: hahahaha, yaudah gpp ko reen kalo pun misalnya ga payungaan
astrid wulandari: gw si sbnrnya pas ngmgin trust td udah agak pesimis kita bs payunganaa
astrid wulandari: tapi2, setuju2 kerjainnya baerngan yaa
astrid wulandari: kalo gw bingung gw nanya2 lo yaaa
ireneelfrida: iya strid
astrid wulandari: ntr kita tukeran bc bab1 gw gt doong, ksh masukaan
ireneelfrida: tapi klo kepuasan, lo kan udah banyak katanya ttg kepuasan
astrid wulandari: misalnya gituu
ireneelfrida: MAUUUUUUUUUUU setuju bangeeett
astrid wulandari: asik asiiiikkk
astrid wulandari: bener yaaa
astrid wulandari: iya rene, kalo kepuasan soalnya emg udah byk
astrid wulandari: makanya gw bingung tadii
astrid wulandari: asik asiiik, bnr yaaa
astrid wulandari: ngerjain psikomernya juga yaaaaa
ireneelfrida: beneran nih strid?
ireneelfrida: janji yaaa???
astrid wulandari: iya laaaaaaaaaaaaah
ireneelfrida: gue tuh takut ga punya tempat utk bertanya
astrid wulandari: temen susah gw sapa lagi soalnyaaaaaaaaaaa
ireneelfrida: secara skripsi kan yaudah pasti ngerjainnya banyak sendiri
astrid wulandari: iya siiihh
astrid wulandari: cuma tuh gw jg mikirnya pasti gw akan suka bingung2 gt
astrid wulandari: misalnya kalo gw logika mikirnya gini gmn yaa?
astrid wulandari: gitu2 lhhoo
astrid wulandari: gw kan sk agak bingung gitu kalo gitu2
astrid wulandari: hahahaha
ireneelfrida: samaaaaaaaaaaaaa
astrid wulandari: nah lo kan kayanya lbh ahli tuh gitu2, ntar gw nanya doooong. yaaakyaaak
ireneelfrida: dih ahli apaan guaaaaaaaaaaaa
ireneelfrida: lu udah gila kali yak
ireneelfrida: gue juga suka bingung
ireneelfrida: yg mana yang bener yg mana yg salah
astrid wulandari: analisis2 gt, . okeokeee
ireneelfrida: gue gatau jalan yang benar yg mana
astrid wulandari: cieeeeeeeeeeeeeee, kayak udah mau bertobat gt
astrid wulandari: jalan yg benaar
astrid wulandari: eh tp bnr yaaaaaa?
ireneelfrida: iyaaaaaaaaaaaa
ireneelfrida: janji ya strid?
ireneelfrida: JANJIIIIIIIIII???????????
astrid wulandari: sah ya niiihhh
astrid wulandari: tanggal 28 nov 2010
astrid wulandari: jam 22.43 waktu laptop gw
ireneelfrida: DOK DOK DOK
astrid wulandari: duaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
astrid wulandari: okeokeee
ireneelfrida: 22.42 di laptop guaaaaaaaaaaa
astrid wulandari: tgl 2 mslh kehidupan nih ren
astrid wulandari: yaudah 22.42 deeeeeeeeh



If I was asked to mention things that relate to me, lucky isn't one of them. 

But now, near the end of the year of 2010, I feel so lucky being me.
This year, I earned many things in life. I had the most upside-down  moments in my life.
There were moments when I felt depressed, I felt there was something wrong about my life, something was missing. Then I prayed, a lot.
God answered my prayer by gave me one opportunity to step out from my comfort zone. I was anxious that time, but I was thinking "Maybe this is it, the time to fix my life". Then I took that opportunity, and my life has changed. That opportunity bring another opportunity and another, and another...
I've got my upside moments ever since. I was successfully step out from my comfort zone to my learning zone. I found my passion, what I really want to do in my life: become a trainer. Now I'm not afraid about future anymore, I can imagine my future clearly. All I have to do now just work hard to pursue my dream.

But the best thing that I realize this year is about friends. This year, I experienced how enormous what can be done by great friends. I've been blessed. I'm the most lucky person in this world to have such friends like my friends. They are always there, both in good or bad moments in my life. They are my source of strength when I have to bounce back every time I fall.

SERIOUSLY, I AM LUCKY. I am so ready welcoming new year :D

"Feeling lucky is an expensive thing" 
-Astrid Wulandari Hutabarat, one of my great friend.



time flies.
and I'm stuck.

*I should do something more important than THIS before my final test.