
about growing up

You graduate from college, and real life awaits. 

Real life, which includes take a bigger responsibility, standing on your own feet, and step out from your comfort zone. But also the infinite possibilities to explore. To teach you how to be a grown up. To teach you more about life and what is truly lies behind it. To be responsible to your society. It is not anymore about how good grades you get. It is more about take a decision and choose, how you really want to live your life. As for now, let me say goodbye to my university, place where I was being one of lucky people to experience such a great education and precious life lessons there. I promise I'll applied everything that I get from there, just like graduates' vow that I and others said in our graduation day.
Thank you :')

From now on, I will be standing on my own feet. 
Only close people I can hang on to. 
For me, this is absolutely the real world.
Scary, but exciting at the same time. Bismillah :)



Kiranya malam mengistirahatkan siang, mengapa rehat kerap terlupakan?
Sampai jeda pun datang, namun tetap terabaikan.
Mengapa mengabaikan ruang, jika ini yang membuat manusia bertahan?

Malam datang.....
.....bersedekaplah tenang....



Ketika logika menyerah
Hanya emosi yang akhirnya didengarkan
Kita terlalu sering mengucapkan kata “lelah”
Dan saling memaki pun jadi pilihan

…. Lalu kamu pun menjauh
Dan aku menjadikan diam sebagai jawaban

Tenang, tenang
Mungkin kita hanya butuh sedikit….
……. Ruang

Ya, mungkin.


brightspot market's 2 year anniversary

I went to brightspot market yesterday, held in Pacific Place, Jakarta. This is their 2nd anniversary and the event was great! Awesome stuffs you can find from local brand but with international's quality. Here I give you some sneak peek about the event : 

me and astrid, my "murahan" friend :P
the crowd and the brands

the brightspot bar

nikicio @brightspot market

the crowd again

Brightspot market is still ongoing until Sunday, May 1st, 2011. So go get ready and have some fun there! :D



this feeling growing and growing
kept me thinking what is wrong
my head kind of spinning
and my mouth couldn't resist to screaming:

fuck there
fuck here


face my disbelief

Religiosity is “the degree of one’s connection or acceptance of their religious institution, participation in church attendance and activities, as well as one’s regard for the leaders or the religion and church”(Alston, 1975).

Based on Alston definition of religiosity, saya bukanlah orang yang religius. Saya pergi ke gereja setiap minggu, karena keluarga saya mengharuskan. Saya tidak pernah aktif dalam acara keagamaan, atau jadi anggota organisasi keagamaan. Sekitar sejak dua tahun yang lalu, saya mulai meragukan agama. Saya meragukan pentingnya agama karena saya tidak pernah merasakan kedamaian dengan melakukan ritual agama saya. Oh ya, saya seorang Katolik, lahir, dibaptis, dan besar di lingkungan Katolik karena saya masuk sekolah Katolik sejak TK sampai SMA. Begitu pun, saya tidak pernah merasa "engaged" dengan agama saya. 

Tapi saya percaya Tuhan. Yes, I do. Saya percaya Dia ada, walaupun scientifically banyak orang meragukan keberadaan-Nya. And I believe in His power too, that's why I often talk to him when I was down. Or praise Him when I feel happy.  

Yang saya ragukan selama ini adalah ritual yang harus saya lakukan untuk berdoa pada-Nya. Mengapa harus menjalankan ritual kalau hati saya tidak merasa dekat dengan-Nya setelah melakukan ritual tersebut? Mengapa saya tidak boleh hanya berbincang dengan-Nya dimana saya merasakan kedekatan tersebut? 

In my opinion, ada kecenderungan manusia akan kebutuhan adanya simbol untuk menghubungkan dirinya dengan sesuatu yang tidak kelihatan, namun mereka percayai ada. That is where religion takes place. Manusia butuh cara untuk terhubung dengan Tuhan, then maybe that is when rituals formed. Dengan melakukan ritual, manusia merasa aman, bahwa masih ada harapan akan terwujudnya apa pun yang mereka inginkan dari Tuhan.

Saya? Saya pun begitu. Saya juga butuh penghubung. Namun selama ini saya merasakan penghubung satu-satunya saya dengan Dia adalah dengan mengobrol dengan-Nya, seolah-olah Dia sahabat saya. Hanya saat itu saya merasakan kedamaian dan ketenangan, bukan ketika pergi misa di gereja atau menerima komuni. Salahkah saya? Mungkin.

Kesalahan saya adalah saya tidak punya banyak pengetahuan tentang agama saya sendiri.Akhirnya saya simplify saja masalah agama. Saya tidak tahu apa gunanya ritual ini dan ritual itu. Now you can judge me. 

Dan sekarang, sebagai mahasiswa semester 8 yang sedang mengerjakan skripsi mengenai happiness dan religiosity, saya merasa saya perlu mempelajari agama saya. Sangat tidak bijaksana memutuskan tidak percaya pada sesuatu ketika saya tidak tahu benar tentang sesuatu itu. 

And yes, God has been good to me, to my life. So I think this is the time I try to know him better. And if the way to know Him better is by doing the rituals, so I think I should give it a try. Harder. Or at least menjalankan hal-hal baik menurut apa yang diajarkan agama kita masing-masing. Selama agama masih mengajarkan yang baik, I don't mind to give it a try. 

"We need to give Him our best in every area. 
And if we win, we praise Him; and if we lose we praise Him. 
Either way. We honor Him with our actions and our attitudes.” 
-- Grant Taylor (Facing the Giants)


do we or am I?

do we pretend to be "us"?
or is it just me who hesitate?

#sedang galau, harap maklum.


I think I can, love.

"Don’t quit because something went wrong. 
Quit because you tried your hardest and nothing made it better." 

Loving someone is never easy for me.

I never taught to love someone, because I never felt being loved by anybody. How do you know you love someone if you never being loved? How do you know the feeling?

My relationship is messy. It is mostly because of ME.
It is me who never believe. 
When he came into my life and said "I love you", I  said "I love you too" while I didn't know for sure what I felt. I just said it because I think that was the right answer. And yes, I didn't believe what he said, but I tried to. Because it was more comfortable to ignore all the other feelings. It felt good being loved. So I let him into my life, while I knew for sure that I wasn't ready. Truthfully speaking, I never ready to jump in any relationship. My relationship is messy because I AM MESSY.

After years of my relationship, I know for sure that the best thing I could do is fix myself.
But I always too afraid of losing him.
He is the first person whom I attached to very deep. He isn't just boyfriend, he is my best friend also.
And he is the first person who make my life feel this good. I mean, very good. 
Fortunately, he never let me to lose him. He always said "No". I am lucky.

And then I learned: To stop being a quitter. 
I used to gave up when things gone uneasy.
I was wrong. He taught me that.
I haven't tried my best. 

It is never fair to not letting someone loving you just because you don't believe it. And it is more not fair if you never tried to love him back. 

It is not easy, it is hard. But I can learn, can't I?

Thanks love.