

I'm excited!

Liburan baru aja dimulai seminggu terakhir ini, and I finally have time to get some rest, reduce my depression, and makes my body more fat by eat A LOT. Then what makes me so excited, specifically?

Besok saya akan kunjungan ke panti jompo Budi Mulya, tempat saya akan magang selama sebulan ke depan. And I'm excited! At least I'll meet some new people, but I also hope I'll have a great time working there :). Memang awalnya pas diumumin di kampus bahwa saya dapet magang di panti jompo, I wasn't really excited, consider my weakness to build a good relationship with older people. But I tried to see from the bright side: I could learn how to be an active listener.

So here is my plan to paint my holiday:
1. Be grateful, working in my workplace with passion and enjoy every moments of it.
2. When I finish my work there, I'll go to Tidung Island with some friends, and HAVE FUN.
3. In August, I'll work as facilitator learning skill OBM at my campus, and get some money :) (semoga aja gue lulus seleksi amiiin)

So there is no reasons for me to stop being excited.
Wish me the best! :)

"The miracle is not that we do this work, but that we are happy to do it."
-Mother Teresa

2 komentar:

  1. Tidung Island yeaay!! count me in reenn ;P

  2. ayoo kita ke tidung island with me,heheehee
